Gardens of Sri Lanka

Klaus Holzhausen-Senake Bandaranayake

Engels | 01-03-2025 | 288 pagina's



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Sri Lanka takes its place in Asian garden history not only by virtue of its chronicle accounts, inscriptional records and literary descriptions of gardens and natural environments, but even more so on account of the unique survival of the ar chaeological remains of many planned garden forms, especially from time horizons earlier than those of surviving historic gardens in other South Asian societies and cultures. The Sri Lankan relict gardens are an archaeological phenomenon little seen elsewhere in Asia f


Sri Lanka takes its place in Asian garden history not only by virtue of its chronicle accounts, inscriptional records and literary descriptions of gardens and natural environments, but even more so on account of the unique survival of the ar chaeological remains of many planned garden forms, especially from time horizons earlier than those of surviving historic gardens in other South Asian societies and cultures. The Sri Lankan relict gardens are an archaeological phenomenon little seen elsewhere in Asia f


EAN :9788836659555
Uitgever :Silvana Editoriale
Publicatie datum :  01-03-2025
Uitvoering :Hardback
Taal/Talen : Engels
Hoogte :270 mm
Breedte :252 mm
Status :Nog niet beschikbaar
Aantal pagina's :288